Character Strengths Interventions (Book Review)

Character Strengths Interventions: A Field Guide for Practitioners gives readers a fantastic in-depth tour of the science of the 24 Values-In-Action (VIA) strengths. The guide contains many immediately applicable interventions that can be used with clients. I wished for a reader-friendly guide to the book that recognizes the time pressures that practitioners face. For that reason, I’m going to do my best to provide a “how to use this book” guide at the end of this review.

Truly Tap Your Strengths To Do Better Work and Enjoy It More!

Strengths = Talent + Energy At Happy Brain Science we teach individuals and organizations how to Truly Tap Strengths by focusing on examining beliefs that may be inhibiting strengths, exploring ways to discover strengths, and strategizing ways to act and build on strengths. A strength, as defined by strengths researchers, is a behavior that you read more…

Hire a set of strengths? Yes and no.

I often present the workshop Truly Tapping Your Strengths–And Those of Your Team! The basic gist is that if you focus on what’s right with people and get them to use that more, everyone does better work and enjoys it more. A common question from my awesome audiences is “If I think a job needs a particular set read more…