Employee Engagement 2.0

Kevin Kruse keeps employee engagement short and sweet. In Employee Engagement 2.0: How to Motivate Your Team for High Performance (A Real-World Guide for Busy Managers), which many will read in under an hour, he delivers a lot of important points. Definition & Data Kruse defines employee engagement as the emotional commitment an employee has read more…

Terms of Engagement: New Ways of Leading and Changing Organizations

We all know we need engaged employees who willingly work hard to give their best. Employee engagement is a win/win/win that benefits the employees, the organization they work in, and the customers they serve. But how do you get engagement? One expensive but solid approach to significant organizational change is the “conference model” advocated by read more…

The Progress Principle

How do you motivate employees? How do you keep them happy and engaged? The Progress Principle The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work presents compelling evidence that most of us are failing to use one of the most powerful tools of all: progress toward clear and meaningful goals. read more…