Three Myths About Managing Geeks

I am a geek. I love technology, programming, design, and other nerdy delights. I’ve worked with geeks for most of my career, and love working with them! I was recently asked for input on managing geeks, and specifically for help addressing myths about geeks. I would love to hear your thoughts about these: Myth #1: read more…

The Science of Happiness at Work–in Five Minutes!

If I had just five minutes of your time, I would tell you the most important science of being happier at work. Because I believe: We all deserve to be happy at work. Science tells us why to be happier: it brings benefits including (but not limited to) success, creativity, engagement, sociability, productivity and health. read more…

The Science of Being Happier at Work in Three Minutes

If I had just three minutes of your time, I would tell you the most important lessons from applying the science of happiness to work. Because I believe: Happiness means many things to many people. Scientists use the term “subjective well-being” which hints at two important facts: I mean all of that every time I read more…