How to Spot Strengths to Boost Engagement & Results

Spot Strengths: A Story Adam was a few months into his new job as a Technical Lead. Fortunately, both he and his boss, Chris, thought he was doing pretty well. However, Adam felt a bit concerned about his tendency to ask questions about how different decisions would play out over time. Every time a colleague read more…

How to Show Gratitude at Work: Recipe for Success

Want to thank someone at work in a way that’s memorable & meaningful? Try these tips for showing gratitude at work—and discover how to make people feel truly appreciated!  ***Watch the video or continue reading below.***   A Recipe for Gratitude Greatness Most people know that gratitude boosts happiness—but there’s a difference between knowing it read more…

Diaries of a Recovering Cynic

This guest post about choosing happiness at work (and in life) is by Catherine Wheeler. Thanks, Catherine! Picture this…City woman moves back to her small hometown to care for a family member. She leaves her dream job to start a new job and now faces the unknown on all fronts ⁠— a new team in a read more…

Don’t Be Afraid of Conflict: Embrace Courageous Conversations

Are you dealing with conflict at work? The next time you need to have a difficult conversation with a colleague, try these science-based tips to actively strengthen your relationship! Join Scott Crabtree, CEO of Happy Brain Science, on a journey through 100+ science-based solutions from our Choose Happiness @ Work card game! This post features read more…

Character vs. Circumstance: The Fundamental Attribution Error

What is the Fundamental Attribution Error, how does it make your work harder, and how can you fix it? Let me explain, starting with a story: Imagine a busy work week, where everyone has a backlog of tasks assigned plus a critical deadline coming up. You committed to delivering an article for your company’s blog read more…

Want to Boost Employee Engagement? Try Collaboration & Delegation!

Discover how collaboration and delegation can increase engagement and strengthen relationships at work! Join Scott Crabtree, CEO of Happy Brain Science, on a journey through 100+ science-based solutions from our Choose Happiness @ Work card game! This post features the solution “Collaboration & Delegation.” ***Watch the video, or continue reading below.*** We’re Stronger (and Happier) read more…

What Does Happiness Have to Do with Employee Engagement?

Should you be more focused on happiness or engagement at work? And is it possible to achieve both at the same time? Some people claim that happiness and employee engagement have nothing to do with each other. For example, they point out that a person can feel very happy chatting by the water cooler, or read more…

Mindfulness, Flow & Coaching—Oh, My!

[Kim Menig joined the Happy Brain Science team in 2018. She’s an International Coach Federation (ICF) member. ] As a (nerdy) teenager in the 90’s, I remember feeling a little sad that the mysteries of the human mind might be fully unraveled by the time I was an adult. Given the explosive rate of psychology read more…

Positive Psychology & Coaching: A Practical Framework

Do you often ask constructive questions (rather than give straight advice) in work conversations? If so, you may be putting positive psychology and coaching skills into action! A coaching approach, whether formal or informal, offers many potential benefits. At Happy Brain Science, we’re particularly interested in how positive psychology — the science of flourishing — read more…

Vanellope and Ralph Have ARMS — Do You?

This guest post about “gamifying” employee engagement is by Anne Meixner, Ph.D. Thanks, Anne! As I busted my gut with huge belly laughs in the movie theater, I recognized that the story told in the movie Ralph Breaks the Internet reflects the key attributes of engagement at work: ARMS. Scott Crabtree’s e-book, Level-Up Your Leadership, read more…