Vanellope and Ralph Have ARMS — Do You?

This guest post about “gamifying” employee engagement is by Anne Meixner, Ph.D. Thanks, Anne! As I busted my gut with huge belly laughs in the movie theater, I recognized that the story told in the movie Ralph Breaks the Internet reflects the key attributes of engagement at work: ARMS. Scott Crabtree’s e-book, Level-Up Your Leadership, read more…

5 Powerful Communication Tips from Professional Coaching

[Kim Menig joined the Happy Brain Science team in 2018. She brings 15+ years of experience in nonprofit program management. She’s an International Coach Federation (ICF) member.] Coaching: Crossover Thrills & Skills Have you ever met with a personal, professional, or executive coach (or wondered what it would be like)? Or have you ever thought read more…

Remember These! 5 More Tips from the Science of Memory

“Why did I walk into this room?” If you find yourself asking that question, you’re not alone! And it doesn’t necessarily mean your memory is starting to decline. The science of memory can help us teach, learn, and remember better. Which is good, because the world is changing fast right now — and rapid change read more…

Describing Progress for Success

Describing Progress Can Make You Happier: Come play with us! Join Scott Crabtree, CEO of Happy Brain Science, on a journey through 100+ science-based solutions from our Choose Happiness @ Work card game! ***Continue reading or skip to the bottom to watch this post as a video*** This Choose Happiness @ Work card says, “Describe read more…

With a Friend: How to Be Happier at Work

You Can Choose Happiness at Work Come play with us! Join Scott Crabtree, CEO of Happy Brain Science, on a journey through 100+ science-based solutions from our Choose Happiness @ Work card game! ***Continue reading or skip to the bottom to watch this post as a video*** This Choose Happiness @ Work card says, “With read more…