Playing Games to Cope: Behind the Scenes @ Happy Brain Science

Happy Fortyteenth of Maprilay! How have you been doing in this truly crazy time? If you are like me, you may sometimes find yourself feeling overwhelmed and unproductive during this period of uncertainty. Science suggests that what we’re feeling right now is totally OK. In order to cope, I’ve seen many people taking up comforting, read more…

Humor at Work: How to Get a Serious Boost

You know what helps with a serious situation? Laughter! Life is difficult—that’s a fact. Recently, we’ve also been dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, which has thrown a major wrench into life as we know it. It’s a serious situation for all of us, at work and in our daily lives. But do you know what read more…

Motivate for Success: the Science of Goal Setting

Do you have goals? Can science help you reach them? Is it possible for you to be “primed” to achieve a goal without your conscious awareness? Dr. Gary Latham has answers. As Professor of Organizational Effectiveness at the University of Toronto, he has researched goal setting for decades. He has written several books on the read more…

How to Spot Strengths to Boost Engagement & Results

Spot Strengths: A Story Adam was a few months into his new job as a Technical Lead. Fortunately, both he and his boss, Chris, thought he was doing pretty well. However, Adam felt a bit concerned about his tendency to ask questions about how different decisions would play out over time. Every time a colleague read more…

Diaries of a Recovering Cynic

This guest post about choosing happiness at work (and in life) is by Catherine Wheeler. Thanks, Catherine! Picture this…City woman moves back to her small hometown to care for a family member. She leaves her dream job to start a new job and now faces the unknown on all fronts ⁠— a new team in a read more…

What Does Happiness Have to Do with Employee Engagement?

Should you be more focused on happiness or engagement at work? And is it possible to achieve both at the same time? Some people claim that happiness and employee engagement have nothing to do with each other. For example, they point out that a person can feel very happy chatting by the water cooler, or read more…

A New Break Is Not a Waste of Time!

When was the last time someone gave you a break? How about the last time you gave yourself a break? And how recently have you done something new with a hiatus? The answers may be affecting your happiness, and therefore your success. That’s right: you can become more successful by taking frequent and effective downtime. read more…

How To Update Your Performance Review Methods

This guest post about updating performance review methods is by David Mizne, Chief Contributor and Editor of the15Five blog. It ties in nicely with the “Self-Review” solution card from our Choose Happiness @ Work card game and facilitation tool. Everyone — from employees to HR professionals — has realized traditional performance management techniques aren’t delivering the results read more…

Don’t stress about stress!

The app development project Adam was leading was getting intense. While the team was rapidly approaching beta, it was unclear if the app was performing well enough to release the beta version. The performance varied significantly from platform to platform, and phone to phone. The team was struggling to understand and fix the issues. With read more…

3 Ways to Let Go of Negativity

Do you struggle to let go of negativity? When you receive not-so-positive feedback, how do you feel? Are you the type of person to shrug it off and let it go, or do you end up having a bad day as a result? If you’re like most people, you probably gravitate towards the latter. Why read more…