What do you call meaningful, enjoyable, lasting well-being? Joy, happiness, or something else?

“Who wants to be happy? Joy is what it’s all about.” “Happiness fades. I want meaning in my life.” “I don’t care about happiness; it’s a transient feeling.” Since founding Happy Brain Science in 2012, I’ve heard many statements such as the above. People seem to think they are saying they don’t believe in our read more…

5 Tips From the Science of Learning

The world is always changing, so you need to be learning. The problem is that your human memory is imperfect, so you forget names, decisions, and facts that you need. Fortunately science can help you learn and remember better.

Five Books to Help You Work Smarter (and Happier)

Through our work with clients around the United States and internationally, we continue to come back to the same recommended readings–we’ve listed and described each book below; and we encourage you to check them out for applicable strategies to increase your happiness, productivity, creativity, engagement and success at work.

[Video] Fake It Until You Make It

Why would we encourage you to “fake it til you make it” at work? Well, because sometimes you need to be in a better mood than you actually are.

Book Review: Mindsight by Daniel Siegel

What is mindsight? In the words of the author, Dr. Daniel Siegel, “Mindsight is a kind of focused attention that allows us to see the internal workings of our minds…without being swept away by them.” Mindsight is essentially Siegel’s term for mindfulness meditation. Focus attention to achieve success Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation teaches us the read more…

Can We Truly Be Happy at Work? Science Says Yes.

If you are like so many people today, you may be pursuing happiness backwards: thinking that once you achieve your goals you’ll finally be happy, but science suggests that happiness is an essential first step to your success. “We spend nearly 40% of our time at work. We should be happier, and we can be.” read more…

Smarter Faster Better by Charles Duhigg

I loved The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg and have been looking forward to his next book, Smarter Faster Better: The Transformative Power of Real Productivity. I must admit being disappointed, but only slightly. I still recommend this book and it’s “productivity hacks”. Smarter Faster Better is well written, with great stories which bring quality science read more…